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Ganpati Shiksha Samiti

They are an NGO providing education by a school and NIT College they are based in Jaipur Rajasthan and be provide admission in different college and Universities in India and foreign countries.
Basic Information
Ganpati Shiksha Samiti is registered since 1992 in societies act to provide education and other services. they started by a primary school which is converted into Secondary School in 2009 and they opened and ITI college in 2014. in 2015 they also started admission in college and Universities without taking any charges from students. during Corona their helped many students to get education without any charge.
Legal Name
Ganpati Shiksha Samiti
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
21 to 40
Core Team
Mahaveer Sharma
Target Market
Students and universities.
Client Segment
Collaboration,  Community,  Consumer,  Services,  EdTech/Education  
Target Companies
Startup,  Medium Enterprise  
Target Geography
Students and Universities.
User Age
Less than 18,  18 to 25,  26 to 34,  35 to 45  
User Income
Lower-middle Income,  Upper-middle Income,  High Income  
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