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GoGlobalWays is India's leading STEAM/Coding/AI/Robotics learning platform for Kids.
Basic Information
GoGlobalWays was launched on the premise that STEAM education should be reliable, accessible, and affordable so that every kid gets the chance to realize their true potential. Our founder Nidhi Khurana laid the foundation with a vision that grades shouldn’t be the focal point of educating kids. Instead, it should aid the younger generation to conquer the world with their creativity & curiosity. With the courses for kids of all-grade, GoGlobalWays makes sure that the kids be it from Grade 1 or Grade 10, knows the important on how to think.
Legal Name
ThreeTeen Globalways Pvt Ltd
Delhi, Delhi, India
Business Model
B2C,  B2B  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
21 to 40
Core Team
Dr. Nidhi Khurana
Founder and CEO
Rakesh Khurana
Revenue Stream