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Introducing “Guud Sugar” – your guilt-free, low-calorie sweet companion! Guud Sugar, a natural blend of Ayurvedic herbs, offers a delectable solution for health-conscious individuals and diabetics alike.
Basic Information
Say goodbye to refined sugar woes as Low GI Guud Sugar presents a wholesome alternative. Our Guud Sugar is the best natural sugar, delivering the same sweetness with half the quantity. So go ahead, indulge in sweetness or low-calorie desserts without guilt, and savor life’s little joys with Guud Sugar. Because when it comes to sweetness, we believe it should be natural, guilt-free, and simply good for health!
Legal Name
Gurugram, Haryana, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
21 to 40
Core Team
Nihar Kothari
Revenue Stream