Basic Information
Half Circles Media is a leader in Content Creation, Social Media & Digital branding. Since its inception in 2016, it has worked with top clients and has earned their trust. With its core expertise in digital branding and social media management, it has revolutionized the digital marketing arena. It is equally trusted and sought after for its other services like content creation, video production, photography, social media live streaming and management.
Legal Name
Half Circles Media Pvt Ltd
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Business Model
B2C,  B2B,  C2C,  D2C  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
41 to 60
Core Team
Nikhil Srivastava
Founder & CEO


Company Incorporation

Feb | Company Incorporation

Company Founded and started functioning.

Target Market
Creating engaging content for clients
Client Segment
Art & Design,  Content,  Design,  Social Media  
Target Companies
Startup,  Small Enterprise,  Medium Enterprise,  Large Enterprise  
Target Geography