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HalloApp is a private ad-free social network platform.
Basic Information
Co-founded by Neeraj Arora and Michael Donohue, HalloApp is designed for group or individual chats with close friends and family, the only way one can find people is by knowing their phone number, the messages are encrypted, and there are no ads. HalloApp is broken up into four main tabs - a home feed of posts from your friends, group chats, individual chats, and settings - and its overall aesthetic is very minimal. There are no algorithms sorting posts or group chats. Eventually, HalloApp plans to charge users for features with a subscription. The app is available for Google and Apple users.
Palo Alto, California, United States of America
Founding Date
No. of Employees
41 to 60
Core Team
Michael Donohue
Neeraj Arora