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Muuzzer is a gamified social media platform that revolutionizes the way written content is created and consumed, offering a unique and engaging experience for both authors and readers.
Basic Information
Muuzzer is a gamified social media platform for authors and readers. Authors can create, showcase, and monetize their content while building authentic relationships with their readers. Meanwhile, our platform also empowers readers to shape the content they consume and have a meaningful impact on the platform. Muuzzer also connects authors with businesses looking for collaboration, creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem for all involved.
Legal Name
Wonderquill Business Solutions Pvt Ltd
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Astha Singh
Co-Founder & CEO
Udayaditya Barua
Co-Founder & CTO


Company Incorporation

Sep | Company Incorporation


Product Launch

Jun | Product Launch


Raised Funding

Apr | Raised Funding

Raised Fuunding From NextGen Technoloy Fund Managed by Pontaq VC

Strategic Partnership

Sep | Strategic Partnership

Launched the App On Jio Store for JioBook devices.

Target Market
It's unfair that writers are only seen as legitimate when their work is published in book form. Other creators, like those making videos on social media, can achieve fame and influence without ever having to act in movies or TV shows. The rise of social media has given birth to a whole new type of content and influencer, and it's time for this to be recognized and celebrated. We believe that the definition of a 'writer' should be expanded to include these new forms of written content, giving writers the status and respect they deserve in the media industry. By embracing the diversity of writers and their work, we can create more opportunities for them to earn a living and collaborate with companies. So let's celebrate the creativity and innovation of writers in all forms. It's time for writers to be seen as the cool and influential creators they are, and for the media industry to recognize and support their contributions.
User Age
18 to 25,  Less than 18  
User Income
Lower Income  

Total Funding


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