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MVPRockets helps entrepreneurs make the process of launching a startup slightly less daunting.
Basic Information
MVPRockets are a bunch of startup nerds, who have built over 15 MVPs in the last 3 years - and in the process have perfected the art of building an MVP. No frills - the actual “Minimum. Viable. Product.” & it is launching this as an offering to its fellow entrepreneurs. The platform offers fully functional MVP in 12 weeks, proven frameworks from silicon valley’s successes, build only what's absolutely necessary, great go to market strategies for hyper-growth, product roadmap validated by real customers, and support until you get a CTO & take the product-in-house.
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Praveen mv
Co Founder
Giridharan Natarajan
Co Founder