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PitchMe is a skills-based talent marketplace introducing multilayered profiling of skills and innovative matching algorithms.
Basic Information
They are one of the first recruitment platforms helping candidates use their personal big data consciously and with the purpose to find a dream job. By analysing a range of digital sources they identify what skills a person has, and what needs to be improved in order for them to qualify for a particular occupation. They save you time and money in your hiring process by connecting you with pre-screened talent ranked anonymously by how suitable they are to your job role. By extracting real-time data from a variety of digital sources about candidate’s validated skills, PitchMe helps you fill roles up to 80% faster.
London, England, United Kingdom
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
21 to 40
Core Team
Dina Bayasnova
Co-Founder and CEO
Gregory Asmolov
Co-Founder and Strategy and R&D