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Roki Tech is an information technology company located in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Roki Roy is the Founder & CEO of Roki Tech.
Basic Information
Roki Tech is an information technology company located in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Roki Roy is the founder & CEO of Roki Tech. Roki Tech is an online-based learning platform, where you can learn many things related to technology. They always try to support their audience in the tech sector. This community’s goal is to support every tech learners who want to grow their skills to the next level.
Legal Name
Roki Tech
Sylhet, Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Business Model
B2C,  B2B  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Roki Roy
Target Market
Roki Tech is an online-based Tech Learning Platform. They always try to support their audience in the tech sector. The goal of this community is to support every tech learners, who want to grow their skills to the next level.
Client Segment
Administrative Services,  AdTech,  Community,  EdTech/Education  
Target Companies
Startup,  Small Enterprise,  Medium Enterprise  
Target Geography
Roki Tech is an online-based Tech Learning Platform. They always try to support their audience in the tech sector. The goal of this community is to support every tech learners, who want to grow their skills to the next level.
User Age
Less than 18,  18 to 25,  26 to 34  
User Income
Lower Income,  Lower-middle Income,  Upper-middle Income,  High Income  