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Roombuddy is a platform where you can find roomates with the same taste as yours
Basic Information
Roombuddy is a platform that helps people find roommates in a more entertaining way using an ice-cream configurator. It provides verified accounts and ads and also gives the possibility of reviews so people can give feedback to past roommates. Searching for a roommate is a difficult task and we are working on making it more funny and safe. Roombuddy address to anyone searching for a roommate, even if he is a student or not. In addition to the details of the apartment, the user can add information about his lifestyle, hobbies, and characteristics he would like to meet with his future roommate. The ice-cream configurator is also another feature that is helpful.
Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania
Business Model
B2C,  B2B2C  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Tom Rares