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Bangalore-based Savitri Sugandalaya deals with the manufacturing of incense sticks.
Basic Information
Savitri Sugandalaya is a company that was established in 1989 and has come a long way since. The company was set up as a partnership firm by people who passionately believed in the business and worked hard towards its development. Over the course of three decades, Savitri Sugandalaya has become one of India’s most popular and well-established firms in the manufacturing and wholesale of incense sticks, operating both national and international. The platform deal with fragrance that delights the country.
Legal Name
Savitri Sugandalaya
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Business Model
B2C,  B2B  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
151 to 250
Core Team
Manoj Mundhra
General Manager
Sanjay Kumar Mundhra


Product Launch

Apr | Product Launch

Product Launch.

Revenue Stream
Target Market
To lead the industry by providing consistent, high quality products and innovative fragrances that ensure customer satisfaction by promoting pleasant fragrance.
Client Segment
E-Commerce,  FMCG,  Retail  
Target Companies
Medium Enterprise  
Target Geography
We specialize in brand creation where the fragrance, branding of product and packaging can be customized as per customer needs.
User Age
18 to 25,  26 to 34,  35 to 45,  46 to 60,  More than 60  
User Income
Lower Income,  Lower-middle Income,  Upper-middle Income,  High Income  
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