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Stelna Designs is an on-demand Manufacturing Services Firm specialized in 3D printing.
Basic Information
"Mangalore, Karnataka based Stelna Designs is an On-Demand Manufacturing Services provider with their focus on 3D Printing and Allied technologies providing product Designing, Rapid Prototyping, Low Volume Manufacturing and Vendor Assistance Services. They aim towards creating end to end design and manufacturing solutions and make it accessible to Industries, SMBs, Startups and individuals irrespective of the quantity and geographical location. Their Areas of Application: Industrial Prototyping and Tooling - Concept Analysis, Fabrication machinery tooling; Automotive - Fabricating Unique Parts, Accelerating prototyping; Robotics - Minute & Custom Parts Fabrication; Architecture - Scaled Prototypes for infrastructure / landscape planning; Healthcare - Surgical Learning, Surgical Preparation, Deformity Analysis; Aerospace - Complex Geometrical Implementation, Small Scale Fabrication; Education - STEM, Do It Yourselves, Immersed Learning; Customization and Part Replacement - Quick implementation and customization of rare parts; Lifestyle - Art, Design, Fashion, Footwear, Customized Gifting. "
Legal Name
Stelna Designs
Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Sumanth Shenoy
Suhas Kamath