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Tailor Boutiques are an online ladies boutique that takes good care of the stitching and custom tailoring requirements of men, women and kids.
Basic Information
The motive of Tailor Boutiques is to build professional relationships with customers. Until and except if their clients are not happy with their tailoring work, they continue giving them their services. The model of Tailor Boutiques is not the same as other online tailors who only work for money; they know the value of your time and money. Tailor Boutiques has a good team of very experienced tailors as well as innovative designers, who always provide a perfect dress with a sprinkle of your own personal preference. At the time of delivery, you can try your clothes, and if there will be any alteration, you can return them at the same time for modification, and they will redeliver in the next three days. Tailor Boutiques has a different team to assist with maternity tailoring. Maternity tailoring services are just extremely rarely made available, and this is a significant challenge for working mothers, so to resolve this problem, they are serving in this section. Finding the best tailor is extremely very hard. Who understands your style at this point, Tailor Boutiques offer you great style and tailoring services for women.
Legal Name
Tailor Boutiques
Delhi, Delhi, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Mr Lal
Chief Executive Officer
Revenue Stream
Target Market
Customer who are searching for Laides tailor online.
User Age
Less than 18,  18 to 25,  26 to 34,  35 to 45,  46 to 60,  More than 60  
User Income
Lower Income,  Lower-middle Income,  Upper-middle Income,  High Income  