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Text to speech solutions for content creation.
Basic Information
TexVoz is text to speech software that makes it easy for the world to access information. More than 30 thousand people now use our website. Our amazing users are students, professionals, and productivity lovers. Many of them have learning difficulties like dyslexia and ADHD, while many just want to read faster and listen on the go. With TexVoz you can turn any book, document or website into audio and listen while you're in the car, doing laundry, walking your dog, cooking dinner, exercising, skydiving, whatever your daily routine is! Luis Alfredo Arias, our intrepid CEO, founded TexVoz in 2021 so he could share the amazing text-to-speech software he had been working on with others. In TexVoice, our goal is that reading is never a barrier to anyone's learning. Nothing should stop you from learning information quickly and efficiently.
London, England, United Kingdom
Business Model
B2B,  B2B2C  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Luis Alfredo Arias
Founder and CEO
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