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Read, Share , Spread the Joy ! Töölö is an online children's "cloud" library in your neighbourhood.
Basic Information
Töölö is an online children’s “cloud” library offering curated books, recommendations and physical delivery of books to your doorstep. Töölö means ‘Neighbourhoods’ in Finnish and that is what we aim to build - a thriving community of young readers in every neighbourhood across the country, by encouraging and empowering them to connect with each other and open the fascinating world of books to them. Töölö is committed to the cause of building a library for children by crowd sourcing the idle books lying in every household of that community. It is an online platform where children have access to a large and varied selection of books, peer recommendations as well as the chance to engage in a plethora of reading activities like storytelling sessions, author interactions and lots more!. One can order for books online and physical books then get home delivered and picked up once the child is done reading them.
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Sheetal Shah
Founder and CEO
Archana Nandakumar
Revenue Stream