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TradeIndia is an online B2B portal for small businesses based in India and around the globe.
Basic Information
Tradeindia was started in 1996 to offer the Global Business Community a single platform to promote their products and services. Today, it provides a single platform to all the businesses (including SME's & MSME's) for the online promotion of their products and services. Its portal is an ideal forum for buyers and sellers from across the globe, who can interact with each other and conduct the business smoothly, securely and effectively. It assists its customers with TI Pay which is a buyer and supplier payment protection plan, wherein online payment can be made for any product / service of or its partners. TI Lendingoffers fast, flexible and collateral free business loans, TI Logistics is for shipping products with the logistics partners of, and Export Bill Discounting is for collateral free payment solution for exporters.
Legal Name
Infocom Network Limited.
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Sandip Chhettri
Chief Executive Officer
Bikky Khosla
Founder & Chairman