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Meet upliance. Your personalised, all-in-one AI cooking assistant with 500+ recipes.
Basic Information
India’s first AI powered home appliance brand. Our first upliance has been designed for beginners and pros to start cooking fantastic food without any stress or hassle. Designed in India, Built in India & Made in India. The upliance offers guided recipes on its touchscreen, a jar that uses presets for cooking tasks and an integrated weighing scale that makes cooking for 1 or 4 easy and simple. With thousands recipes at your fingertips and an upliance that does all the work, you no longer have an excuse to eat boring food! Stop eating boring food with upliance.
Legal Name
React Labs Pvt Ltd
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Business Model
B2C,  B2B2C  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
101 to 150
Core Team
Mahek Mody
Co-Founder and CEO
Mohit Sharma
Co-Founder and CTO
Revenue Stream