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Vulture Techz was started in 2015 with specialization in Desktop/Laptop sales & services.
Basic Information
Vulture Techz started to give dynamic websites at low cost people like them their work and their reference they got some more orders. On doing this , side by side they get graphics designing works. Now by the time, they running this company with 10 expert team members in Salem. In future they are planning to start their branches in South India.
Legal Name
Vulture Techz
Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Gowthaman R
Founder & CEO


Started Generating Revenue

Sep | Started Generating Revenue

Started to do Desktop/Laptop Sales and services for generating revenue


Stepped into New Market

Jan | Stepped into New Market

Providing a new market to give services like web development, Mobile Application Development, Web Application Development, Graphics Design, Digital Marketing, Cyber Security.

Revenue Stream
Target Market
Business people's need web services and more to showcase their products in digital presence make business growth.
Client Segment
AgriTech,  Consumer,  Services,  E-Commerce,  FMCG  
Target Companies
Startup,  Small Enterprise  
Target Geography
Customers everybody needs cyber security because now everything in inside internet so it protects all categories of data from theft and damage.
User Age
18 to 25,  26 to 34,  35 to 45,  46 to 60  
User Income
Lower Income,  Lower-middle Income,  Upper-middle Income  