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Eva Erben
Eighty-nine-year-old Holocaust survivor Eva Erben was born in the Czechoslovakia. She was first taken to Terezin, and then survived Auschwitz-Birkenau, Gross Rosen and the Death March at the end of the war. During the march, she was only wearing thin clothing, collapsed along the way and was left for dead. A local farmer found her and took care of her. While she survived, she lost her parents and her extended family. Today, Erben lives in Ashkelon and has nine grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. For over 40 years, she refused to tell her story and to speak in Germany. But today, with the rise of antisemitism and Holocaust denial, Erben is determined to share her story to help fight against antisemitism.
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Telling a great story
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Telling a great story
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