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GlobalLinker is a Mumbai based company that provides unique solutions for global business networking for SMEs and focuses on connecting SMEs with each other powered by an algorithm based 'match-making'.
Basic Information
Mumbai based GlobalLinker works in the area of SME networking and provides such companies and start-ups with solutions to help them promote their company, network with other SMEs, build online stores and join groups to forge new connections based on the industry and the company’s interests. Further, SMEs get access to economies of scale, using a wide range of business tools and services pre-created especially for them. GlobalLinker has partnered with the Telangana Government, Retailers Association of India, Bombay Industries Association, World Trade Centre, Mumbai and The Federation of Indian Exports Organization (FIEO).
Mumbai, Maharashtra , India
Founding Date
No. of Employees
41 to 60
Core Team
Summi Gambhir
Co-Founder & CEO
Sameer Vakil
Co-Founder & CEO