Searching for my Silver Lining
Why and how The Silver Lining was conceived
I am a complete Delhi boy – born and brought up in Delhi, with schooling, college education, and brief corporate stint all being in Delhi!
Being a MBA and an engineer by education, an entrepreneur by choice, a sports enthusiast, and a sensitive human at heart, I love all things close to me – my family, my homes (yes, ‘homes’, as I’m blessed to call 4 places my home), and my dear friends, and nothing brings me more warmth then thinking about these three things and the joy they bring in to my life.
After completion of my college degrees (MBA from IMI, New Delhi and B.TECH from JIIT, Noida), I began my professional career with intentions of doing big and fancy jobs, earning loads of money and the works. A year into the same, I was a changed man. My sole goal became to somehow make a positive difference in this world, as whilst I was earning handsomely, I was missing something….something BIG. I realized that no amount of money can bring true happiness in one’s life. Life is much bigger – it is about dreams, being passionate about what you do, having close friends, spending quality time with your families, and making memories (rather than just making “money”).
That's when The Silver Lining was born. Now, The Silver Lining is my life, and I am happy to be in a position to be able chase my dreams. I’m a lucky man, and am looking forward to the future now, with great anticipation, with immense gratitude, and a daily thanks for my life. And one more thing – I strongly believe that if you strive to something meaningful, the universe takes care of you in every way (be it financially, with respect to good health, and more).
So, what is The Silver Lining all about?
Let me answer this via a nice little Q & A -
Q1. What is the intention of this project?
A1. In very simple terms, the intention is to help people find ‘The Silver Lining’ in their life, be it with respect to their health and overall well-being, their relationships, business and career, and/or improve their overall quality of life by moving from a level of mere ‘existing’ to actually ‘living’.
The Silver Lining was conceived on the basic premise that each and every individual deserves to lead a rich, colourful, and empowered life. This is everyone’s right, but it is also a choice one must make. This choice is what we, as a young start-up backed by the wisdom of the age old (yet mostly ignored) holistic living tools, wish to bring to the masses.
Our ultimate goal (and only upon achievement of which we will go back to our drawing board and put a tick mark on ‘SUCCESS’), is to see this world as a true force of positivity, where each individual is operating at a wavelength which makes his/her life full of enthusiasm, joy, contentment, peace and tranquillity, and every such individual who has attained this state of living, looks forward to helping his fellow beings find this state as well.
Q2. How will this project help people?
A2. Every person on this planet, even the most evolved souls, gurus, sages and mentors, has something or the other that inhibits their life in some way or another. It could be an emotional or a psychological concern, it could be a nagging physical constraint, or it could be that someone wants to just improve their situation in life (make personal and professional advancements, achieve greater heights), or it could just be that the person is looking for some higher answers related to life as a whole.
The Silver Lining wants to bring the best minds, humans, and most of all the kind yet knowledgeable souls together, who are in the best position to address all of the above needs of humanity. These kind souls are who we fondly refer to as ‘The Silver Liners’, and in lay man’s terms these wonderful people are holistic living practitioners (energy workers/healers, life coaches, spiritual guides/mentors, natural remedy practitioners).
Operationally, through, people can post (anonymously also) about whatever is troubling them about their life, or health and well-being, and get quick and free guidance from The Silver Liners (experts in the field of holistic living and personal development), so that they can understand how holistic living can turn their life around for the good. Further, they can easily discover, choose and meet with the individual professionals in this field.
Also, seekers can find the best wellness and personal development courses happening around them on, and enroll for any such course/retreat/workshop/event.
Lastly, has been designed in such a way that seekers shouldn’t remember it only during times of distress, sadness etc., they should even enjoy visiting it during other times. Therefore, there is a section titled ‘THE LAND OF UPLIFTMENT’ which contains content (images, videos, articles etc.) which are all under the umbrella of inspiration, motivation, positivity, etc., and the aim is that a visitor spends 5 minutes on, and leaves with a small smile on his face, or just with some higher thoughts.
Q3. Where do I see the project in 5 years time?
A3. I see the project as having touched 1.8 billion lives by January 2017. This is my personal goal, and it was something I committed to during a session with a wonderful life coach (Mr. Anil Bahl), who I met through The Silver Lining only. I’ve purposely hyperlinked his name here so others can read more about him.
More vividly, I can picture The Silver Lining as having brought smiles to seeker’s faces, all across the world, and I can hear people talking about how they might have lived an average life if they had not been introduced to The Silver Lining, and how now they feel empowered enough to help, guide and inspire others to make their life a great journey. Like our vision statement read, we see success only when people, who were seekers, got empowered and began helping all those around them to lead joyous lives.