Every year, thousands of entrepreneurs foray into the marketplace with high-hopes of carving out their own commercial empire. These days, many of those entrepreneurs discover that launching a business from the comfort of your own home isn’t only enjoyable, but incredibly cost-effective. Nevertheless, many fledgling home-based businesses fail because they didn’t take important matters into consideration from the get-go. One such example is ignoring the importance of business insurance.
Home-based businesses need business insurance for the same reasons that traditional brick-and-mortar stores do. Here’s an explanation of why business insurance is so crucial for those who want to start a company in their own home.
Home businesses are more common than you think
Many enterprises appreciate the various allures of starting their own business in the comforts of their home, yet huge sums of them nevertheless decide that they don’t want a home-based business. This can lead some people to gain the impression that home-based businesses are inferior and relatively rare, when in reality they’re often incredibly successful and are much more common than you likely think. According to one analysis, for instance, as many as 69 percent of all U.S. entrepreneurs start their businesses at home, and for good reasons; a home-based business isn’t only cheaper to operate, but it usually entails less stress than other options.
With so many entrepreneurs tapping into the power of their own homes in order to launch their commercial empires, you’d think that more of them would understand the importance of having business insurance. After all, not having home insurance is widely seen as an incredibly risky endeavor, so is it not also true that lacking business insurance is effectively inviting disaster into your commercial affairs? Nevertheless, countless businesses go under every year because they fail to understand the importance of covering your bases by purchasing insurance that can keep you afloat when something inevitably goes wrong.
The U.S. Small Business Administration has an incredibly informative webpage that helps elucidate why business insurance is so useful. General liability insurance, for instance, can help cover you against financial loss that occurs on your personal property. If you invite customers or prospective clients into your home that also functions as a place of business, possessing general liability insurance could immunize you from potential legal claims that spring up in the wake of costly accidents. With this risk, many small business owners look for separate office spaces. Many entrepreneurs looking for startup office space do so because shared space often comes with insurance built in.
But if that’s not something you want to consider, then home-based business insurance in particular is worth investing in because it can often be directly added to homeowner’s insurance. Bundling your insurance in this way doesn’t only lead you to save money, but also makes it easier to manage in general.
How do you acquire home-based business insurance?
Now that you understand the importance of insuring your home-based business, it’s worth exploring the specific way you should go about soliciting coverage. Any insurance decision must be couched in rational analysis; spend too little, and you could end up undercovering yourself, but if you spend too much you could put yourself into financial jeopardy long before a real disaster arrives. It’s worth reviewing the myriad of ways that you can insure your home-based business before considering which are most likely to help you out.
No two businesses are alike, so the insurance setup which has worked excellently for others may not be ideal for you. A home-based business which sells products will need product liability insurance, for instance, but if you’re in the service industry than that will be of no concern to you. Business interruption insurance, on the other hand, can prove to be a godsend to any company in the event that they suddenly and unexpectedly have to close down their operations, even if it’s just for a short while.
Private citizens invest in health insurance and, if they run a delivery business or a courier service, then they would be wise to get pedestrian accident lawyers on their site, because they understand that accidents are always around the corner, and that insuring yourself well ahead of time is often the difference between financial calamity and financial security. Failing to leverage the same logic when it comes to protecting your business and financial future is tantamount to commercial malpractice. That’s why small business owners everywhere should seriously reconsider if they’ve been dismissive of home-based business insurance thus far.
Your regular homeowner’s insurance likely isn’t enough; with home-based business insurance, you can sleep soundly, knowing that not only is your residence covered but also your budding commercial empire.