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Aravind Kumar Bremanandam,Founder,CEMS

Tuesday October 20, 2009 , 4 min Read

If entrepreneurial success were to be measured purely on the yardsticks of innovation and passion, Aravind Kumar Bremanandam venture Chennai Event Management Services ( would surely count amongst the top powerhouses in the country today. For behind the simple event planning and production company, lies a history well-deserved award winning projects that have created unique platforms of entertainment not just in the country but beyond to international shores.

Specializing in motor sports and international logistics, the roster of services offered by the company includes everything from back-to-back event organization, adventure tourism, project management, consulting and operations, website building and team management amongst others and their strength lies in being able to adapt their expertise to successfully handle the different challenges brought on by events of varying scales from local seminars to international rallies. 

The company was established in 2006 and “the beneficiaries include around 1,000 participants around the globe, around 25 companies in the form of event sponsors, Indirect participation from nearly 100 businesses and 600-800 people (globally) who are directly and indirectly working with us (insurance agents, vendors, mechanics, hoteliers and staff , advertising professionals, cooks, drivers, etc.)” says a proud Aravind who having studied at the Madras Christian College and then the Madras School of Social Work wanted his company to echo the city.

The most successful projects of the company however have been its one-of-their-kind rickshaw challenges ( that typically involve participants testing their physical and mental strengths trudging through the rugged terrains of a fixed route in India in the ubiquitous three-wheeler auto-rickshaw.

Having seen a phenomenal response in the South, the event was institutionalized into an annual challenge as also taken to more routes across the country through Mumbai Xpress, Classic Run and Tech Raid. International adaptations followed with the Caucasian Challenge and the Chernobyl Challenge being organized at Budapest, the Trans Sahara Rally to explore Africa and others similar formats through the Rainbow Rampage, Bus no. 7 and others.

From a small rally in South India to a global adventure travel company within 3 years is surely a great achievement that has further been written in stone with the company opening its first international branch at Budapest . 

What has been Aravind’s mantra for success?

“More routes, more innovation, customer satisfaction, and repeat business” says Aravind adding that it hasn’t been easy either. “There was a lot of misguidance and doomsday predications on the business model. Also I started hiring unqualified employees in an effort to cut costs since the business was funded entirely through my personal savings. However I realized on time and got my business basics right, focused on a goal, and kept marching.”

The results can be seen in the company’s high but realistic expectations of an increased revenue and participation by 250% by 2010 and of a 500% growth in addition to two new branches in USA and Thailand in two years.

Aravind, however, has simplistic ideas of recognition. While he’s thankful to all major newspapers and numerous magazines (globally) having commended their work and ideas, his big moment has been his father using him as an example in his presiding speech to a large gathering of entrepreneurs in Tuticorin.  

So what about entrepreneurship does he love most?

“The fact that there is more opportunity for creativity and trying out new ideas. Also the thrill of new innovation and the pleasure of delighting people. To budding entrepreneurs too, I would say, ‘focus, don’t lose heart, and most importantly, maintain a sense of humor.”