International Blogging Competition Begins. Participate Now
Monday November 16, 2009 , 2 min Read
Welcome to Blog-Off II (#BlogOff2)
Community Marketing Blog presents the international blogging competition. Blog-Off II is here and we're searching for the best social media and marketing experts who know how to command top online social media and marketing performance.
Would you like to know how well you rank compared to other marketing and social media bloggers? Would you like to be independently recognized as a thought leader? If the answer is yes, enter Blog-Off II, it's a contest for professionals who meet and exceed the standards they set for their clients and employers in online leadership.
Why Not Show The World What You've Got?
This is your chance to really shine (or shine some more) and show how excellent you are as a marketing and/or social media expert in practicing the skills you apply every day for your clients or your company or yourself.
This relaxed, fun and engaging event has an amazing and highly qualified Dream Team (you've got to meet them) who will be evaluating Blog-Off contestants on:
- Captivating blog headlines - how good are they?
- Quality - what is the originality, depth and quality of writing?
- Traffic - how many page visits were you able to generate for your content?
- Dialog - how many people commented and how did you respond?
- Length of visit - did your audience stay engaged?
What's The Reward?
1st Prize of $20,000 USD** In Online Publicity and More
2nd and 3rd Prize of $10,000 USD** in online publicity for each winner
To learn more about the competition check out the link below: