Venture Doctors on 14 November at Milagrow
Milagrow Small and Medium Enterprise Association, a division of Milagrow Business and Knowledge Solutions organising Venture Doctors, Mentoring Clinics for Small and Medium Enterprises organising, on 14 November 2009 at Milagrow Business and Knowledge Solutions, 796, Phase V, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon
As a social good initiative for SMEs, Venture Doctors is being subsidized by Milagrow Small Medium Enterprises Association (mSME). Clinics will be offered “Free of Cost” to all selected participants. SMEs will be able to brainstorm their organizational needs, issues and new ideas with some of the best experts in the industry.
Venture Doctors for Corporate Strategy Rajeev Karwal, HR Doctor Vikram Hoon and IT Doctor Rajesh Kumar.
Venture Doctors is a one-to-one mentoring for SMEs on their strategic and operational issues.Key areas that would be covered are Corporate Strategy and Business Plan, Organization Design and Human Resource, IT, Entrepreneurship, Sales and Marketing Strategy, Branding.
Small and Medium Enterprises, Retailers, Franchisers, Brand Owners, Consumer Durables and Consumer Goods companies can attend this event.
Interested organizations may register themselves by filling out a simple form detailing their mentoring needs. There are limited time slots available and only enterprises with focused and clearly articulated mentoring needs would be invited for mentoring. Each mentoring session would be restricted to 30 minutes. For extended mentoring beyond allocated time, contact:Ms. Richa Kapoor : 0124 4309570-79
For more details can visit :