Admission in to Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Orissa
Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Orissa (IEDO) invites application from eligible candidates for admission in to Faculty Development Programme (F.D.P.) at Cuttack, Bhubaneswar and Rayagada. Faculties of Engineering and Technical Institutions/Colleges, Officers/Trainers of Govt/Non-Governmental Organizations, Members from NGOs, Voluntary Organizations engaged/interested in taking up various Entrepreneurship Development Training Assignments candidates are eligible for this course. Last date for submission of application form is 7th January 2010.
Further details can be available from : Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Orissa (IEDO), 123, Sector-A, Zone-A, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar-751010. Ph. 0674-2585609