Vinay Wardhan.S, Founder, Career Path Solutions Pvt. Ltd on Entrepreneurship
Saturday December 05, 2009 , 1 min Read
The urge to start something on my own,
The desire to make a mark;
To get a smile replace that frown,
And make a difference and not for a lark.
The journey begins with high hopes,
A lot of enthusiasm and loads of passion,
The initial days; whiz by, learning the ropes,
Slowly, unknowingly, seeps in the frustration.
As one realizes that it is no bed of roses,
Rather one with many a thorn,
The cash burn happens in small doses,
And others begin to look at you in scorn!
But self-belief, you do not lose,
Patience becomes your friend,
New schemes, you start to propose,
And taste success, in the end.
The keys to this success,
Is determination & dedication;
Never do anything, in excess,
And serve the society & the nation!