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3rd India Software Engineering Conference to be held from 25-27 February 2010 in association with Microsoft Research, Infosys, IBM, TCS, Siemens

Sunday February 14, 2010 , 3 min Read

The ISEC conference is planned as the main yearly conference of the newly created Special Interest Group on Software Engineering, SIGSE under the umbrella of the Computer Society of India, CSI. The Third ISEC will be held in Infosys Mysore campus, host to one of the world's largest education centres.

ISEC will bring together researchers and practitioners from across the world to share the results of their work. We invite technical papers describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, empirical, and experimental software engineering research. Papers describing Industry Experience are especially welcome. Our goal is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to meet and share cutting-edge advancements in the field of software engineering. All submissions should clearly identify their contribution to the state of the art and their potential usefulness.

Work that has appeared elsewhere (in some conference or journal) cannot be submitted for ISEC. Work that is currently under consideration elsewhere (a conference or a journal) also cannot be submitted. Submissions are invited broadly in all aspects of software engineering, including but not limited to, the following:

- Requirements Engineering

- Testing and Static Analysis

- Empirical Software Engineering and Metrics

- Specification and Verification

- Software Performance Engineering

- Model Driven Software Engineering

- Software Architecture and Design

- Tools and Environments

- Development Paradigms and Processes

- Maintenance and Evolution

- People issues in Software Engineering

- Quality Management

- Component Based Software Engineering

- Object-Oriented Technology

- Service oriented architecture and web services

- Distributed software development

- Case Studies and Industrial Experience

- Software as a Service

- Cloud Computing and Software Engineering

- Knowledge based Software Engg

- Agent oriented Software Engg

In cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT, some of the best papers from the flagship conferences FSE (Symposium on Foundations of Software Engg) and ICSE (International Conference on Software Engineering) will be presented as Keynotes/Invited papers in ISEC.

Important Dates

Abstract dues Sept 25, 2009

Paper submission Oct 05, 2009

Notification Of Acceptance Nov 14, 2009

Camera ready copy due Dec 04, 2009

Tutorials Feb 25, 2010

Conference Feb 25-27, 2010

Student Symposium

This symposium is directed at The symposium is open to the students of M.Tech program (in second year) or PhD program (after 3rd year). The student (with approval from adviser) needs to submit a viewgraph /proposal of about 5 pages with the detailed proposal covering motivation and background for the work and importance of the topic, status of current and future work, alongside providing a review of the literature highlighting the research gaps and the positioning of yourwork w.r.t the current art. Also include a outline of the work including a rigorous analysis of the work highlighting the novelty/originality/innovativeness of your work.

This is an excellent forum for the student to get feedback from the researchers and industry professionals in the field, not to mention the possibility of opportunity to work with research groups in industry and academia. Please contact symposium chair for any additional details


There will be a limited number of tutorials in the conference.Proposals for tutorials,including about two paragraphs on proposed topic, its relevance to SE audience, and details of presenter, may be sent to the tutorial chair
