Are you a Young Creative Entrepreneur? Applications open for British Council's Young Creative Entrepreneur Award 2010
Saturday May 29, 2010 , 3 min Read
What do Priya Kishore (Bombay Electric), Vijay Nair (Only Much Louder) and Rajat Tuli (Happily Unmarried) have in common?These bright and successful entrepreneurs from the different creative sectors are the winners of the British Council’s Young Creative Entrepreneur (YCE) Award. Managed by the British Council, these are the only awards in India that give recognition to creative entrepreneurship across the creative industries including Design, Music, Fashion, Communication, Visual Arts, Screen, Interactive, Performing Arts and Publishing.
The YCE award programme goes beyond simply recognising the achievements of these entrepreneurs. It provides them a platform to begin a dialogue with their UK counterparts. The winners go on a study tour of their respective industry in the UK. It allows them to learn, imbibe and grow through inputs from both their UK and international peers. They also attend relevant trade events that helps widen their perspective.
The aim of the program is to recognise the impact of entrepreneurship within the creative industries on the wider economy. According to DCMS, creative industries are defined as those having their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property. Globally, creative industries are estimated to account for more than 7 per cent of the world’s gross GDP . UK has pioneered in recognising their contribution and as a percentage of GDP; it has the largest creative industries sector in the world. UK creativity is hugely influential across the world, with a reputation for innovation, edgy brilliance and entrepreneurial spirit.
The British Council invites young Indian entrepreneurs between 25 – 35 years of age and working in the creative sectors to apply for the YCE Awards. The Indian winner gets an opportunity to attend a study tour to UK, attend a trade event and interact with peers and industry leaders. In addition, all the shortlisted finalists will be eligible to apply for a grant of up to INR 3 lacs for a collaborative project with the UK.
For further details, eligibility criteria and application form, log on to or email at [email protected]
Closing date of applications: 10 July 2010
The British Council’s Young Creative Entrepreneur (YCE) Awards programme which aims to develop a powerful professional network between creative entrepreneurs in India and the UK to inspire and facilitate the sharing of best practices in building skills and access to resources, professional development, markets, mentoring and resources thereby increasing opportunities for business between India and the UK. The awards include recognition schemes for entrepreneurship in Publishing, Design, Fashion, Interactive, Screen, Performing Arts and Communication.
To follow British Council Young Creative Entrepreneur Award on Facebook click here.
For any query related to the award you can also get in touch with Vallabh at [email protected] , mobile 09886033217
To read about previous winners and finalists of these prestigious awards click here