Watch Rajiv Kumar on Rocke Talk and building the mobile Social Network

Rocketalk is the largest mobile social network in India. This network has more than 5.2 million users in and around India. People on this network communicate and talk using pictures and of course, text and they communicate and share data. They make new friends, participate in different events, talk shows, have fun and get entertained.Mobile app space is just at its infancy not only in India but also in the world. It has hardly been two and a half years since iPhone came up with its apps; basically the great concept of apps. In India, we’ve just started and we’ve yet to see a lot to happen. And what we saw at the conference today will give people an idea of how the ecosystem is behaving, how to develop an app, how to market an app, how to go about distributing it and how to go about making some money of it. And hence I think this is a great place to be at