Web Marketing Workshop for Startups Bangalore. SEO, PPC, Content Generation, Social Media

OME Community Monthly Meetup Workshop series in Christ University, Bangalore.Web Marketing for Start Ups. OME Meetup Workshops series on SEO, Content Generation, Social media, Internet Ads for Start ups. What should Startups and Entrepreneurs focus on today. Online marketing business strategy. Learn how your Internet Marketing, Social Media strategies influence and affect your business strategy.
Get advice from Industry Thought leaders on Search Engine Optimization, Content Generation for your website, Social media marketing, PPC, Google Adwords, Social Advertisement and most importantly what should you as a start up focus on. Should you focus on Social Ads or Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Email Marketing or PPC ? We will find out.
If you have a website and like to share we will use your website and Business as a Case Study, Our Experts and audience would love that.
When : May 28th 2011. 2:00 PM - 6 :00 PM
Where: Christ University, Kormanagala near Dairy Circle
Cost : Rs 200 A small fee to cover the Expenses.
Contact : Suresh Babu @ 9731388721 or more information.