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75 Takeaways and Tips from OME May Workshop: Web Marketing for Startups

Sunday June 05, 2011 , 9 min Read


  1. Research and gather information about You, Your Competitors, Your Brand and your Industry using tools
  2. Google alerts :
  3. Google Insights:
  4. Google Trends:
  5. Back Type – [ Lets you monitor keywords in comments]:
  6. Google Keyword research tool:
  7. Research keywords: Think of what users who want to visit your site will search for, using the tools get more keywords ideas
  8. Google keyword tool will tell you the number of searches done in the last 30 days, the volume , number of search, level of competition, related keywords
  9. Google keyword tool will let you search from specific country
  10. The Captcha that you see in website to verify is used to digitalize book, smart crowd sourcing
  11. Include SEO, Web Marketing even before coming up with a website. Include it in your business plan, marketing plan
  12. Keyword research will also let you pick the right domain name which can be relevant
  13. Get alerts for your name, you will be surprised!! to see some results
  14. Recent study says 53 % of employers are conducting background checks on search engines and social networks like Facebook:
  15. Google Trends will give you trends in your industry so that you can plan your campaign
  16. Trends/ Insights will give information on news, category, geography, help you plan ahead of time, if you are launching a campaign during a particular month, this will help you to research and find out when is a good time to launch
  17. Find Rising Searches, apart from optimizing for related keywords, you can also find what is rising, so that you can plan to optimize and may be start a new line of product/service
  18. Backtype lets you track keyword mentions in blog comments and send an email with link to the comment, if there is anyone comments about you , your business or website
  19. Ask your friends, family what would they type into search engine to find your business, Use those keywords within your website
  20. After research, keep your keywords as a reference for future content or blog post


  1. You don’t have a cool looking website to get your business started. Blogs are as good as website and its FREE
  2. Case Study :
  3. Blogs are simple, easy and Search Engine Friendly. It takes 5 minutes to create a blog
  4. Use your keyword research to sign up for the blog, Use that keyword as URL
  5. You can also set up a blog for your patents, friends, family and one for your Pet
  6. If you plan to have a website, Register a domain name, it will cost less than Rs 5000 a year to register a domain: Go daddy: will let your register a domain
  7. Blogging software such as wordpress and blogger also has an option to register your domain there.
  8. Register a domain and do a redirect from blog to this URL and you can give your URL as your desired registered domain and still manage yourself instead of going for a web designer, developer
  9. 156 million public blogs as of Feb 2011
  10. You can add picture, videos, integrate HTML, PPT’s and lots more with blog
  11. If you know how to email, you know how to blog too as simple as email, What are you waiting for start your blog today and your friends can comment as well
  12. This is a Blog:
  13. Free Blog can be set up here : or here: within minutes
  14. If you like more features and template, go for: see examples
  15. You can get paid too if you can get enough traffic to your blog through Google Adsense
  16. Website is static but Blogs are dynamic you can update anytime you want
  17. Customize your blog/website with a consistent theme that can go well with your brand, logo and business

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  1. Begin with Google Web master Guidelines:
  2. Start SEO while you plan your website/blog
  3. Use those keyword research document as guideline to write content for your blog/website, keywords within your website/blog is what search engines are looking for
  4. Use keywords in the Title of each page, description , content, Heading, Images, links
  5. If you are a florist in Bangalore, Use keywords such as Florist, Bangalore. Flower shop Bangalore, Send Flowers Bangalore Instead of just Flowers, Florist etc use 2-3 words,(long tail) the visitors will be the right target audience, its called long tail keywords
  6. On average, 22% of marketing budgets are spent on search engine marketing
  7. Use of location; optimize for location if your targeting within a location, local business
  8. Think of keywords that can make them click on your website
  9. Give a call to action with the keywords. Example: Send Flowers to Bangalore, Free Delivery if you call Now !! or Free Shipping Limited Time Offer
  10. Each page of your site should have unique , relevant Title, description with keywords
  11. The Meta keyword tag in HTML is no more used to rank your website
  12. High quality content with relevant useful , resourceful content is what search engines love
  13. If your website have original , unique research, white paper , case studies your website will get additional points in the eyes of search engines
  14. Length of Title word: 60 – 80 characters, about 8 – 10 words, Don’t stuff Keywords, Make it readable for humans
  15. Instruct web designer with the web master guidelines and give a checklist to the designers. Educate them and give the keywords to the content writer or if you write include those keywords within the title, description, Heading, body of the content.
  16. SEO is a process, because the algorithm keeps changes, but the basic guidelines will stay for a long time. Guidelines is basic best practices for humans
  17. Create excel sheet, take all keywords, use all broad keywords, location, related keywords- branding, futuristic keywords, list them all. Use it for all references, categorize into several related categories. document it, fine tune it as necessary
  18. Test all the tools, most of them are Free but you can always try the Trial Version, Test for a month, if you like it then you can go for it, if there are multiple users, each one of you can try for each month till 2-3 months then decide to buy
  19. Raven tools :
  20. Web Site grader:
  21. Advanced web rankings:
  22. Web CEO:


  1. Content is always King. Give unique, useful, resourceful, meaningful content online in website, blog, newsletter
  2. Content should be relevant to the users
  3. Give solutions in content, people visit your website for a reason and to solve a problem, your content should give answers, provide solutions to their problem. Think of how a searcher who is looking for same day flower delivery to his Fiancee, might look for same day delivery, your content should be relevant for him. Include keywords such as
  4. “ Send Flower to Bangalore-Free Delivery same day within 100 kms Guaranteed ”
  5. Give Call to Action, Your content is like a Giant Bill board, Visitors are busy, you have few minutes to grab their attention, Instruct them and give value for clicking, ethical bribe
  6. Phone Calls/ Receptionist will be a great resource for content- Questions that people ask when they call you could be great content d.
  7. FAQ’s are great content for your website
  8. Employees, developers, subject matter experts can be great content generators.
  9. Forums/groups discussion is another way to come up with content. Look for questions asked in your Face book group, LinkedIn Groups
  10. Content Best practice - Don’t Copy, Create unique content
  11. LinkedIn Answers, Yahoo Answers, Face book groups, Quora – For content

75% of C-Suite Executives said they watch work-related online video at least weekly.                                            65% of C-suite Executives report visiting a vendor’s website after watching their video


  1. Find your industry category in LinkedIn Answers and you will find a RSS feeds, subscribe to that RSS feeds and provide answers there and write content based on answers for website
  2. In Social Media follow SEO, Use keywords in Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Slideshare, Flickr, You Tube
  3. Optimize Images, You Tube Videos by using keywords in Title, description, tagging
  4. When uploading images, videos, submit to the right category and tag with keywords
  5. Create an account and have consistent URL in all social media sites

Other Tips

  1. 71. Local Business: Local business listing; Google local maps FREE [no need for website]
  2. Blog post on Google places:

20 % of Google searches are for local information

  1. Use PPC , Social Media Ads: LinkedIn , Facebook Ads, Google ad words
  2. You can set up Google Ad words within 30 minutes with Rs 500 and pay only when someone clicks on the ad
  3. Keywords & Conversion; depends on strength of site
  4. Use PPC to test and research with minimum budget

Bonus Tips

  1. The importance of Online Marketing for Entrepreneurs:
  2. Search Engines cannot read Images, Videos, Provide alternate text , descriptions to images, videos
  3. Have keyword in the beginning of the Title, Description, Headings
  4. Use your brand keywords at the end of the Title
  5. Google Places (maps) you can add upto 10 images of your product, services, 5 videos. Be creative add Brochures, pictures of store etc

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Pictures of OME May Meetup:

75 + Web Marketing Takeaways and Tips for Startups from OME May Workshop

Minute of Meeting of OME May Workshop:

Web Marketing Academy is coming up with a one full day workshop June 18th and 19th with all the practical training for Start Ups. One full day packed with all the fundamentals of web marketing for your business including

  • Setting up your blog, redirecting your blog
  • Setting up social media sites
  • Content Ideas for your own business
  • SEO Fundamentals and guidelines with case studies and examples
  • Keyword research for your business
  • Set up your Google Ad words account with Rs 1500 worth of Ad words credits
  • Social media ads
  • Competition analysis
  • Tools and technique to get started with web marketing for your business
  • Report and Analytics

Cost : Rs 3200 including Lunch, Rs 1500 worth of Google Adword credits. To sign up call: Suresh @ 9731388721 or email: [email protected]

Contact Info:

Suresh Babu, Co- Founder, OME Community

Email: [email protected] 

Twitter: @seobangalore

Phone: 9731388721