Business Idea : Hoonur - Social Networking Site by Balaji Telefilms for actors

Hoonur is a Social Entertainment and Talent Portal run by Balaji Telefilms. It is a free online classified website which gives independent professionals and businesses, a chance to promote and share their services in the field of entertainment, television, media and advertising.At Hoonur you can:
* Hire actors, writers, musicians, performers,production staff, etc.
* Showcase your talent, portfolio, audio, video,etc. and get hired yourself
* Promote your entertainment, television, production related business services.
* Join Celebrity pages and follow your favorite Celebrities, get instant updates, interact with them, etc.
* Make your own personal Vanity URL to create your personal brand in the Entertainment space
Now the revenue seems to be from ads but this social networking business idea could use a freemium model in the future like other professional social networks , check out Hoonur here