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Ex-Microsoft MD Backed SETU Software Systems launches Veooz, a Free Social Media Monitoring and Analytics Tool

Ex-Microsoft MD Backed SETU Software Systems launches Veooz, a Free Social Media Monitoring and Analytics Tool

Wednesday October 17, 2012 , 2 min Read

Veooz, pronounced as views, aggregates and analyzes the buzz around your favorite topics from the most popular social media networks. The last decade has seen an explosion in the usage of social media networks like FB, Twitter, Google+, etc. People are increasingly talking about their favorite products, places, brands, and more on these networks. now helps you to track these user conversations by bringing social media to one place.

The platform is developed by SETU Software Systems, an Indian start-up which focusses on the areas of semantic search and sentiment analysis. The platform has analyzed user conversations on over 500 million topics and brags a processing rate of 100 million views per day.

“Veooz is a first-of-its-kind free online platform that gives a unified view of the live sentiments, current trends, world’s views, and influencers’ opinions on any topic of your interest. With, you can track social conversations, see the Live Sentiment on any hot topic and even post your opinions to your social networks. We currently monitor Twitter, Facebook, news comments and blogs, with support for other social media platforms coming soon,’’ says Dr. Prasad Pingali, CEO of SETU Software Systems.

The tool presents social conversations and presents it in the form of Veooz Live Sentiment – in terms of positive and negative. This is a real-time measure of social views expressed on any selected topic, calculated considering all the opinionated posts. For example, a Live Sentiment of +70% means 70% of the opinions are positive.

“With purpose-built powerful crawlers, robust sentiment analysis engine, and advanced NLP techniques, Veooz can process massive amounts of data in near real-time and provide the most accurate sentiments. Built on the back of proprietary state-of-the-art technologies, Veooz can rapidly

understand and analyze human generated text,’’ says Srini Koppolu, Chairman of SETU Software Systems.

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