Get a Taste of the Best from GSF Accelerator- Read from Mentors and Entrepreneurs at GSF
It has been just over a month since the GSF Accelerator, the first one trying out a multi city format in India was launched by Rajesh Sawhney and it has created quite a few waves in the startup ecosystem in India. Having a unique format and support from the likes of Dave McClure of 500 Startups, GSF has
created a good buzz around itself. GSF also has a good list of EiRs (entrepreneurs in residence) who are guiding the first batch of startups in the various cities.Today, GSF announced its first batch of startups and with it we’re also proud to announce this partnership with the GSF Accelerator. We, at YourStory would be bringing to you exclusively all that is happening at the program via posts from the mentors and entrepreneurs who’re a part of it. Though vicariously, these posts will allow one and all to take away the essence of discussions at the accelerator; after all, information grows by disseminating.
So, stay glued! Starting tomorrow we’ll bring you the best from GSF Accelerator.
If you want to be a part of the accelerator, or know more, visit GSFIndia.
Info Nugget: GSF stands for Global SuperAngels Forum.