[YS TV] Subrata Mitra, Accel Partners, at eSparks 2013
Subrata Mitra is a partner at Accel Partners and focuses on technology and Internet investments at the fund. Subrata is currently on the boards of Perfint, Flipkart, Myntra and enStage. YourStory spoke to Subrata on the sidelines of eSparks 2013 about their recent investment in Collectabillia, how Accel manages its portfolio companies and if eCommerce companies should look at niche offerings or be a mass market player.
Check out the 12 companies that demoed at eSparks.
We at YourStory.in thank E-Sparks Title Sponsor, Microsoft, Financial Technology Partner, Intuit, Associate Sponsors, ReferralCandy and Aramex and Exhibitor, Moolya