Report: Priorities for Agricultural Research for Development in South Asia
Asia-pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) has released a report ‘Priorities for Agricultural Research for Development in South Asia, 2013’. APAARI’s mission is to promote the development of National Agricultural Research Systems in the Asia-Pacific region through inter-regional and inter-institutional cooperation.
The present study on Priorities for Agricultural Research for Development in South Asia covers three South Asian countries, namely, Bangladesh, India, and Nepal, which together form nearly 90 per cent of the region’s population. These countries share several common and some unique concerns, related to structural, institutional, funding, and technology delivery mechanisms, that hinder their realization of optimal returns on investment and the attainment of a higher and inclusive agricultural growth trajectory.
This study attempts to analyze the concern, particularly in the area of AR4D (Agricultural Research for Development), and to suggest a suitable strategic plan for accelerated and inclusive growth within and among countries through higher and stable investment by the national governments and donors and increased cooperation and collaboration in the region. It prioritizes agricultural research investments for the study countries and South Asia as a whole based on the needs of farmers and other stakeholders.
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