Tips for Foreign Startups Doing Business in America
For many foreign companies, making the transition to doing business in the US can be a challenging and daunting process, but it's certainly not impossible. Many businesses start out abroad and find success in the States, much the way that Tel Aviv-based Imonomy has. However, moving into the American marketplace doesn't come without a learning curve and there are a lot of factors that must be carefully considered if you are to be successful in a constantly competitive economy.In a recent interview from ad:tech San Francisco, Murray Newlands talks with Oren Dror from Imonomy about doing business in America as a foreign-based company and his tips for finding success stateside.
To find out more, watch the full interview below:
These are they key takeaways from the video:
- After telling the story of his company, Oren offers up some great advice for startups looking to make it in America. His first tips is to be transparent in all of your operations. From your business partners to you customers, be sure that communication is open and that there is a general consensus of the way things are working. Oren also reiterates the power and importance of building and maintaining good business relationships, especially when moving into the American marketplace. With so much competition, getting help from others will be a valuable asset to your business.
- Oren gives a final piece of entrepreneurial advice for those looking to expand their startups into America, and although it's rather simple, it still rings true. He says that the most important thing any entrepreneur can do is to get started, keep going, and never give up. Seeing your vision through from start to finish and being motivated and determined to accomplish your goals is the only way you'll find success in America and abroad.
If you have any questions after watching the video, please leave them in the comments below!
To find out more about Imonomy, visit their website at