4 user habits that all content creators and marketers should immediately note
As a content creator and marketer, your greatest challenge possibly lies in attracting the right kind of audience to visit your website and getting them to engage with you. However, how do you stand out to this particular set of people who, in all probability, already have a near dozen email subscriptions?

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The trick lies in establishing a fool-proof consumer-habit system which when mastered, gets your consumer committed to your content. On that note, here’s a list of customer behaviour trends which content creators and marketers alike should recognise and utilise to form better relations with them.
Give and take
It is human nature to feel obliged when they receive a gift or favour. As children, we are taught to return when we receive, a habit that tends to stick on for life. Similarly, as a content creator, you may be offering your valuable material to a worldwide audience for free. Despite no charge on consuming this material, those who utilise this material will then inherently feel the need to ‘give back’ to you, the content creator. According to eminent psychologist Dr Robert Cialdini, this denotes the process of reciprocity, the foremost factor in the customer’s behaviour towards the giver. In his book, Influence: Science and Practice, Cialdini suggests that this trend should be utilised by content creators and marketers to the maximum.
Keeping it interactive
Content creators need to ensure that their work functions with an interactive element because this holds most chances of being received positively, leading to wider circulation. This allows consumers to familiarise themselves with those who offer it as well as with the subject itself. The greater the level of familiarity with the content, the more likely it is to be circulated online. This will eventually help you catch the attention of all the important circles.
Authority and authenticity
In this age of social media, people tend to believe anything they read or watch online. This is mostly because any content that gains popularity on social media is naturally deemed ‘credible’ because it is ‘recommended’ by trusted sources, be it friends or family. Hence, content creators should take out enough time to strategise on how their content can gain fast approval on all the social media platforms, since this enhances their authority, thereby improving their reputation for authenticity.
In the clamour to release ‘fast content’ and outcompete the other players in the market, individuals and organisations often slip up in providing accurate facts and details. When the average customer or user notices a recurrence of errors on your content copy, they will automatically withdraw and ‘unfollow’ your brand for a failure to keep up its credibility. On this note, here’s a word of advice to content creators and marketers everywhere – in the end, quality always trumps quantity. It is perfectly acceptable to release lesser content to your target audience if it means it allows you more time and space to study its authenticity. However, it is inexcusable to compromise on your quality in order to keep up with a few target numbers.
As any successful business head will be the first to tell you that to sell to a wider audience, you need to understand them first. Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below!