Thank you, dear readers! We now reach 1 million subscribers a day!
Yes, yes, we know we shouldn't be blowing our own trumpet. But you know what? Every once in a while, when you're thrilled (and very grateful) about something, you need to share it with the world. So here we are, blowing our own horn.
With our newsletters, we now reach over 1 million subscribers daily - and it's all thanks to you! So here we are, saying thank you! We could not have reached this milestone without you. And this is just the beginning!
When we came up with a new avatar of our newsletters a year ago, most people said it would land up in the spam folder. They said that people didn't read emails any more, and it wasn't worth the effort. And then there were the staunch optimists who insisted that once our subscribers read it, they would love it. And you kept our faith - we did it.
Our Daily Capsule and bouquet of newsletters across YourStory, HerStory, SMB Story, and Shradha's personal one on weekends, have all undergone changes, based on learnings and been 'growing up’ over the months.
We started with only capturing news from the ecosystem and then went on to include our expert authors. Then, we decided to create a special showcase for all the startups we discover for Monday Mornings. To cut a long story short, we've been experimenting to see what you love and bring that to you. And to our utter amazement, you have supported us and loved us for each one of our crazy ideas.
We’ll keep experimenting, and we’ll keep trying to make these better – after all, half the fun of being in love is falling in love with the same thing every day.
So, keep reading our newsletters and we’ll keep trying to make you fall in love with our stories all over again – every day.
And now that you're here, do check out our entire set of newsletters.