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Best of Weekender: From capturing memories with personalised gifts to taking care of your health during the pandemic

This week, YS Weekender brought to you stories of entrepreneurship, health, and more.

Best of Weekender: From capturing memories with personalised gifts to taking care of your health during the pandemic

Sunday June 13, 2021 , 2 min Read

A milestone birthday. A special road trip. A family celebration. Who hasn’t looked for a way to keep their memories alive long after the event has passed?

Delhi-based gifting startup Pine & Lime, founded by Aishwarya Choudhary and Ishaan Shrivastava, aims to help you do just that with its many lifestyle products – memory maps, memento candles, and specialised artwork.

The startup aims to help people share memories with its all-purpose gift – birthdays, engagements, anniversaries, graduation, housewarming, and more. 

fitness exercise

Are you working out less and eating more unhealthy foods these days? One of the major shifts amid the pandemic and frequent lockdowns is the fear of going out for workouts. 

This has not only resulted in people exercising less but also in binge eating, weight gain, and has led to health complications. How can you take care of overall health at home while not stepping out much for anything? 

It does take some discipline, dedication, and logistical basics. 


A warm glow; celebratory ambience; romantic setting; festive occasion; pick-me-up at the end of a hard day — a lit candle means different things to different people.

And at a time when most Indians are staying locked indoors in amid the second wave of COVID-19, a candle is an easy-breezy way to add some cheer, merriment fragrance – and light – to a room.

Candles may no longer be used as a major source of light, but they are rising in popularity and use across Indian homes. These seven startups are working to change the perception of candles in India.

holiday - cyprus -

Lawyer Prashant Kalra and communications trainer Ayesha Garewal-Kalra had to relocate to Goa after their daughter developed breathing problems in Delhi.

Instead of setting up shop with their traditional vocations, they decided to market villas in Goa through social media. In just four months they had completed four sales, firmly establishing their new business, The Penthouse Boutique.

The Goa-based real-estate startup lists the best properties for sale in Goa, Greece, Portugal, Dubai, and Cyprus, addressing people’s desires for aspirational second homes as holiday getaways and sound investments.

Edited by Kanishk Singh