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TATA CLiQ CEO Vikas Purohit on cracking the code for a perfect job switch at TechSparks 2021

In a keynote speech at TechSparks 2021, Reimagining work: beyond caution and common sense, Vikas Purohit, CEO of Tata CLiQ unpacked the ways in which the process of switching jobs can be streamlined.

TATA CLiQ CEO Vikas Purohit on cracking the code for a perfect job switch at TechSparks 2021

Wednesday October 27, 2021 , 4 min Read

Finding the right job is a very common worry. Youngsters, who are fresh out of universities, often struggle to understand what job will best suit their talents. 

The stress of finding the right job doesn’t disappear with age. People at different stages of their careers often worry while making the ‘right decision’ when it comes to switching employments. 

In a keynote speech at TechSparks 2021 Reimagining work: beyond caution and common sense Vikas Purohit, CEO of Tata Cliq, unpacks how the process of switching jobs can be made simpler. 

This year, with the theme 'What's Next: Rethinking the future', TechSparks 2021, YourStory's flagship startup-tech conference, is dedicating itself to providing a platform for the most defining conversations on how disruptive technology innovations can shape our lives post-pandemic.

A perfect job?

What is a perfect job? Does a perfect job exist? In the first part of his speech, Vikas answered some of the common questions people have while choosing a job. He said that there are four yardsticks to measure the right job —  company culture, salary (including bonuses and other perks), job description and quality of the people you work with including your reporting manager and colleagues. 

However, Vikas warned that choosing a job based on these four factors may seem easy but the process is not so straightforward. “Even if three out of four requirements are fulfilled, it is a bliss,” he said. 

Job-seekers will often have to decide one requirement where they are open to compromise.

“We prioritise differently at different stages of our life. For instance, when I was looking for my first job, money did not matter so much. Later, a stage came when I got married and was looking to start a family. At that time, I felt I couldn’t deprioritise money,” he recalled. 
TechSparks 2021

Finding a deeper meaning 

Vikas, in the second part of his speech, noted key elements from American author Daniel Pink’s theory of motivation, which include autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

Autonomy refers to having the freedom to lead one’s life in a way he or she desires. Vikas said he absolutely condemns organisations that conduct surveillance on their employees. He drew a parallel between such organisations with the factory workers of Ford in the 1970s.

Mastery refers to becoming better in a field and purpose is looking beyond the lens of one’s own wants and desires.

According to Vikas, autonomy, mastery and purpose are also important factors that need to be taken into account while contemplating a job switch. 

“Autonomy and mastery can be achieved when an organisation is willing to provide you with the resources you need to become better at something you are passionate about,” he said.

He urged potential job candidates to look beyond creating wealth for themselves, founders and the venture capitalists. He reiterated that while money, perks and other materialistic benefits are important, ultimately finding a deeper purpose in life and job is irreplaceable.

“You really have to ask yourself the fundamental question of ‘what is my purpose?’ Solving the problems of a customer is a purpose I would like to work for rather than looking for a $5 billion market and saying, ‘Let's take 20 percent of the market share.’”

He concluded by saying that individuals should never compromise or settle for less as we all deserve to get the best. 

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For a line-up of all the action-packed sessions at YourStory's flagship startup-tech conference, check out TechSparks 2021 website.


Edited by Affirunisa Kankudti