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Turning Ugly Fruits into a $2 Billion Business: The Misfits Market Story

Discover how Abhi Ramesh turned discarded fruits and vegetables into a booming $2 billion business that's disrupting the food industry and fighting food waste.

Turning Ugly Fruits into a $2 Billion Business: The Misfits Market Story

Tuesday May 02, 2023 , 3 min Read

Abhi Ramesh stood in a Pennsylvania apple orchard, astounded by the sight before him. There were more apples lying on the ground than hanging from the trees, all destined to be thrown away. The farmer explained that these perfectly edible fruits would be stored for a month or two, and if they couldn't be sold by then, they'd be discarded. This unsettling discovery sparked a revolutionary idea in Abhi's mind: what if there was a way to save these "ugly" fruits and vegetables from going to waste?

The seed of Misfits Market, a company that would later be valued at a staggering $2 billion, had been planted.

Abhi set to work, contacting organic farms in the region and building relationships with the farmers. He convinced them to sell him their less-than-perfect produce at dirt cheap prices, and soon, his studio apartment was filled with odd-looking peaches, apples, tomatoes, and onions.

Risking everything, Abhi built a pre-order page on Shopify, spent $150 on a logo, and invested $1,000 in ads. He even went so far as to apply for five credit cards, racking up $150,000 in debt to fund his vision.

As luck would have it, a close friend, Edward Lando, stepped in as an angel investor, providing Abhi with the much-needed cash to pay off his debt and invest in inventory. Misfits Market started small, shipping just five boxes of produce a week, but it wasn't long before that number grew to 200 boxes a week.

Abhi's background in building businesses, both successful and unsuccessful, had prepared him for this moment. His entrepreneurial journey had started in college, reselling textbooks online, and continued with an SAT tutoring service and a coding boot camp called Horizons School of Tech. But despite these ventures, Abhi longed for something more impactful. After working as an Investment Analyst at Apollo, a private equity firm, he decided to take the leap and fully commit to Misfits Market.

The gamble paid off. Misfits Market, which began in a tiny 700 sq. ft. storage space, soon expanded to a 10,000 sq. ft. facility within just one year. Today, the company boasts over 1,000 employees and has raised more than $300 million in funding.

Misfits Market's mission is simple: make high-quality food more accessible and break the cycle of food waste. By selling ugly organic produce at 40% cheaper prices than traditional grocery stores and delivering directly to customers' doorsteps, the company is fulfilling its purpose.

Abhi Ramesh's inspiring journey with Misfits Market offers valuable lessons for entrepreneurs:

  1. Seek out overlooked problems and create innovative solutions.
  2. Be persistent and bold, even in the face of adversity.
  3. Leverage previous experiences, both successes and failures, to inform your decisions and strategies.
  4. Build relationships and partnerships to support your business.
  5. Embrace risk, but also seek out mentors, investors, and partners to help you along the way.

Abhi's story proves that with determination, risk-taking, and a bit of luck, even the most unconventional ideas can be turned into thriving businesses. Misfits Market serves as a powerful reminder that sometimes, the greatest opportunities lie in the most unexpected places.