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gofounders net is an online team-building platform, and the back-office of ONPASSIVE created for the registration of new members. It provides tools required for sending customized invitations to interested members. Founders of the company (registered members) are empowered to build a team of self-motivated members who act as leaders individually.

Launched in 2018 by Ash Mufareh, the company has already gathered more than 1,00,000 + Founders. It plays a role of 100% fully automated traffic generator, which recruits and sells for you, along with proprietary business tools. GoFounders is a robust and a vast network of business leaders who are ambitious and successful in creating globally recognized enterprises that will change the lives of millions.The business owners can emphasize the crux of the business while leaving the usual operations in the hands of an AI-powered system. The AI-driven platform will potentially generate a hockey-stick growth income that helps sustain the business on its own and also create wealth for the founders.