Dr. Nicolas Hamelin & Nikhita Kishore
Dr. Nicolas Hamelin is an Associate Professor of Marketing at S P Jain School of Global Management and the director of SPJAIN neuroscience lab. Dr. Hamelin holds a Ph.D. in Physics from Sussex University, UK (1993), an M.Sc. in Environmental Management from Ulster University as well as a Ph.D. in Business at the Royal Docks Business School, University of East London. Dr. Nicolas's main research interests are in the fields of International Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, NeuroMarketing, Social Marketing and Environmental Management.
Nikhita Kishore is a postgraduate MBA student at S P Jain School of Global Management with a specialisation in Contemporary Marketing Management. She has a specialisation in marketing communications and has worked on FMCG brands like Oral-B and Vicks in the Asia-Pacific regions. She holds an undergraduate degree from Singapore Management University.