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Photo of Shivjeet Ghatge

Shivjeet Ghatge

With close to 10 years of experience in advertising, Shivjeet Ghatge always knew he wanted to be his own boss, and build his brand, from the ground up. While working on a few projects, consulting various different medium sized family businesses on their branding and advertising needs he collaborated with Misaal Turakhia and Abhay Pai to develop an app. Together, they went through a dozen ideas, and made five full-fledged business models, before stumbling onto StepSetGo, which they knew, was a winner. As Co-Founder, Shivjeet looks after finances, marketing, and business development, areas of his core competence, and expertise. He believes that to be successful, you must be passionate. This passion, he says, stems from a burning desire to know and learn more, spilling over into a more confident, and decisive entrepreneur. His drive towards developing StepSetGo on a large-scale stems from his passion for fitness and living a healthy life. Right from his childhood, Shivjeet excelled at almost all sports, from cricket to tennis and football. Today, he walks a lot, works out, and focuses on eating healthy, to feel mentally good, and energised throughout the day. Under his able leadership, StepSetGo has come a long way in a short time since its launch in 2019. Its unique proposition of being India’s first fitness app that rewarded users was well received and was popularised through word of mouth. As a result, today, they have over 5 million downloads, and have over 500,000 offers redeemed, with no plans of slowing down. Unlike many of his entrepreneurial peers, Shivjeet stands out when it comes to his business idols. He looks up to the local businessman, running a small to medium enterprise, over the bigwigs of the sector. He draws inspiration from their stories of passion, and eventually wants to look back on his professional journey and be willing to do it all over again.