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Expertifie is the world's #1 online bootcamp and one of the world's leading certification training providers.
Basic Information
Expertifie partner with companies and individuals to address their unique needs, providing training and coaching that helps working professionals achieve their career goals. They teach their students all the relevant skills needed in software jobs, mentor them to crack recruitment processes and also provide them referrals to the best opportunities in the software industry across the globe. Their vision is to empower career growth and advancement for every member of the global workforce as their trusted lifelong learning partners.
Legal Name
Expertifie Inc.,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
251 to 500
Core Team
Priya Dhayalan


Company Incorporation

Jan | Company Incorporation

Company Incorporation

Revenue Stream
Target Market
We target Software Engineers and Programmers.
User Age
18 to 25,  26 to 34,  35 to 45,  46 to 60  
User Income
Lower Income,  Lower-middle Income,  Upper-middle Income,  High Income  
India,  Global Â