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GoodRx Online Pharmacy is a drugstore that provides the latest, high-quality medicines at reasonable prices. Fast and easy access to the leading online pharmacy. Save money, time, and effort by shopping at GoodRx.
Basic Information
GoodRx Online Pharmacy is one of the top healthcare & wellness information-providing websites in the United States. Their online pharmacy store intends to provide free-of-cost information associated with different types of medical health conditions, pills, and their use. As a leading informational website, they also offer free medical assistance. GoodRx is a free, online pharmacy store that offers over 1,000 brand name, generic and over-the-counter drugs at a fraction of the cost of your local pharmacy. GoodRx is the only online pharmacy with the lowest prices and free shipping on prescriptions, and vitamins. Find low-cost medicine at GoodRx. GoodRx is an online pharmacy store that can help you save money on prescription drugs. Find low-cost medicine at GoodRx is an online pharmacy store that can help you save money on prescription drugs. GoodRx is an online pharmacy that saves consumers money on prescriptions and offers medical advice and tips.
Legal Name
Sacramento, California, United States
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
61 to 100
Core Team
Thomas John


Company Incorporation

Dec | Company Incorporation

We started GoodRx to make prescription pricing and healthcare more transparent.

Target Market
There are many people who want medicines. But they are not easy to find cures. So we are here to provide the best and most genuine medications. The market for online pharmacy is vast, and many online pharmacy sites are out there. Which ones are the best and which are the worst? This blog post will help you decide. Online Pharmacy has become a massive industry and a huge business opportunity for anyone with the drive and determination to succeed in this highly competitive marketplace. Online Pharmacy is a customer-centric business. It is a sharing economy where the Internet is the medium through which the customer, the consumer, gets the product, and the seller, the merchant, receives the payment. Target Market for Online Pharmacy is a book by Dr. Todd Hamilton and published by McGraw-Hill Professional. The book is aimed at managers, CMOs, and other decision-makers in the pharmaceutical sector.
User Age
18 to 25,  26 to 34,  35 to 45  
User Income
Lower-middle Income,  Upper-middle Income,  High Income  