Meerut-based India Sari House offers a range of sarees including Kanjivarams, Coimbatores, Dharmavarams, Pochampallies, Gadwals, Uppadas, Banarasis, Bangalores, Mysores and Narayanpets. The pure cottons we offer include Ikkats, Lucknow Chikan, Coimbatores, Bangalores, Mangalagiris, Uppadas, Tants and Kerala Cottons. Their list also includes saris made from a combination of pure silk and pure cotton fibers from Chanderi and Gadwal. They have put together another team of qualified textile and fashion experts to examine each sari and rate it on 4F factors - Fabric authenticity, Fine workmanship, Fashion quotient and Fitness for occasions. Each Premium Handloom sari they sell comes with a 4F certificate.