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Nalnda is a blockchain based eBook marketplace that allows readers to resell their eBooks and authors to have multiple revenue streams.
Basic Information
Nalnda is a decentralized eBook marketplace that allows readers to resell their eBooks and publishers to earn from multiple revenue streams, an innovative solution proudly made in India to cater to Global market. The company's vision is to build an ecosystem for authors and readers to read, earn and connect. Nalnda will expand the use-cases of eBooks and accelerate reading as an entertainment through gamification.
Legal Name
Butter Cubes Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi, Delhi, India
Business Model
B2C,  B2B2C,  C2C  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Kumar Keshav


Founding Team Hired

Feb | Founding Team Hired

Added three developers and three marketing experts in the team.

Strategic Partnership

Mar | Strategic Partnership

Strategic Partnership with Polygon Studios

Strategic Partnership

Apr | Strategic Partnership

Strategic Partnership with Sequence wallet for a smooth user experience for non-crypto native users.

Product Launch

Jul | Product Launch

Launched our testnet for beta testing. More than 3,000 readers tested our marketplace and eReader functionality in just two weeks.

Target Market
Publishers can list their eBook titles on our marketplace and revenue from both new and old eBooks sales.
Client Segment
Content,  Media,  Retail  
Target Companies
Small Enterprise,  Medium Enterprise,  Large Enterprise  
Target Geography
Readers can buy and own NFT eBooks purchased on Nalnda. They are free to resale, share or create eBook store using the eBooks they bought. By using NFT Nalnda removes restriction from eBooks that only allows readers to read them.
User Age
Less than 18,  18 to 25,  26 to 34,  35 to 45,  46 to 60,  More than 60  
User Income
Lower Income,  Lower-middle Income  
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